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X+Y: debug messages when scanning

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 3:28 pm
by quartermain
This is a rental copy, not retail. During scanning I see a lot of debug messages plus others like "Complex multiplex encountered". On completion there are six or so titles all of roughly the same size but with varying numbers of chapters.

The log file is here.

Re: X+Y: debug messages when scanning

Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 6:25 pm
by Woodstock
"Complex multiplex" is MakeMKV's way of saying, "I have to go through everything to find all the parts, hang on for a moment". I see it more often with certain publishers, and sometimes a fingerprint will turn a sensible DVD directory into a mish-mash that must be analyzed in detail to figure out what VOB belongs to what title.

The debug messages say something unusual was encountered, and MakeMKV has to try a different method to figure out the disk. A lot of times, they're simply parts of the disk that are troublesome to read (dirty surface), other times they're deliberate attempts to obscure things by the manufacturer.

The number of chapters in a file can vary, even when dealing with a television series that was broadcast on commercial TV. Some break where there would be a commercial break in the broadcast, some break at logical transitions within the show, whether they were at a commercial or not. Some make the titles and credits their own chapter, and there might be scenes before the titles or after the credits.

Re: X+Y: debug messages when scanning

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:34 pm
by quartermain
These are the titles which are all 5 Gb or so:

Source title ID: 10
Duration: 1:43:00
Chapters count: 15
Size: 5.5 GB
Segment count: 4
Segment map: 4,5-6,7-12,13-18
File name: title01.mkv

Source title ID: 11
Duration: 1:46:48
Chapters count: 13
Size: 5.7 GB
Segment count: 2
Segment map: 2-7,8-15
File name: title02.mkv

Source title ID: 12
Duration: 1:48:06
Chapters count: 18
Size: 5.8 GB
Segment count: 4
Segment map: 4,5-6,7-12,13-21
File name: title03.mkv

Source title ID: 19
Duration: 1:35:26
Chapters count: 14
Size: 5.1 GB
Segment count: 4
Segment map: 4,5-6,7-12,13-17
File name: title08.mkv

Source title ID: 25
Duration: 1:46:53
Chapters count: 13
Size: 5.7 GB
Segment count: 3
Segment map: 4,7-12,13-21
File name: title09.mkv

The disc label says the runtime is 107 minutes, i.e. 1:47, so titles 11 and 25 look contenders. I'll try 25 since it has more segments in common with the other choices. I guess I could just watch the DVD but I prefer to rip first in case there are read errors which there often are with rented discs. I'd much rather find out about them before I sit down to watch.

Re: X+Y: debug messages when scanning

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 1:37 pm
by Woodstock
It could also be a DVD with multiple versions on it - "theatrical" vs. "director's cut", for example.