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Uncut Gems / New Redbx movies Copy Protection Screen issue.

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 3:56 pm
by oatmeal769
Newbie here, I haven't used MakeMkV extensively yet. I'm Ripping Redbox rentals to watch later.

I've searched the internet and here, including: ... 674#p85657 ... ons#p60599 ... ons#p79278

I played a RedBox Blue Ray version of Uncut Gems. I've tried with both WMP and WMC-HC. At the beginning of Chapter 2, About 9:40 into the movie, I got a "Dear Customer" copyright restriction black screen. It remained for about 4 minutes and played the movie's theme music. Then the movie continued playing normally to the end.

On further examination into the ripped folder, I found that the only file available was called, "Uncut Gems-SPBD Copy Disclaimer Playlist_t00.mkv"

I also looked into a few other new rentals (Ad-Astra, Ford v Ferrari), and found similar short files in every language, but none of which had a "copy disclaimer" main video file, with no extra video files. I scanned the movies and looked for interrupt screens, but didn't see any. I haven't watched every minute of those yet and may have missed them, but they seem fine.

A full (twice) playthrough of "Jumanji Next Level" worked fine.

Re: Uncut Gems / New Redbx movies Copy Protection Screen issue.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:41 am
by thetoad
Isn't uncut gems a screenpass protected release and hence one has to pick the right playlist (title in MakeMKV speak). MakeMKV can't be guaranteed to pick the right one.

Re: Uncut Gems / New Redbx movies Copy Protection Screen issue.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:33 pm
by oatmeal769
thetoad wrote:
Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:41 am
Isn't uncut gems a screenpass protected release and hence one has to pick the right playlist (title in MakeMKV speak). MakeMKV can't be guaranteed to pick the right one.
Yes, I believe you're correct. I'll re-rent it and be sure, but I probably did just that. Thank you for the idea/help!