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Verified: Cars 3 (2017)

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 3:02 am
by 1wayjonny

Posting information on various UHD disc while ripping to make it easier for people to find the right stream that suites their specific needs. Some Disney titles will be easy with 800 for English etc. but can come with additional characteristics that make it harder to make a quick choice. This will be really helpful for the newbies and quick information for the makemkv veterans.

The post will verify the specifics of the multiple tracks and why the segments are different so people can pick the correct one that suites them.

Disc Analysis: Two streams, I was able to identify that the only difference is Playlist 00800.mpls has English Audio w/Subtitles & Intro\Outro Credits while Playlist 00801.mpls Spanish Audio w/Subtitles & Intro\Outro Credits.

Code: Select all

UPC: 7 86936 85514 2
Catalog: 146389

Disc Information
Label: CARS_3
Timestamp: 2017-09-11 15:37:25
Data capacity: 58.50 Gb
Disc type: BD-ROM UHD
Number of layers: 2
Bus encryption flags: 80

Code: Select all

Title information
Name: Cars 3 (English)
Source file name: 00800.mpls
Duration: 1:42:25
Chapters count: 21
Size: 40.9 GB
Segment count: 68
Segment map: 13,32,34,35,41,42,44,45,47,48,50,51,53,54,56,57,59,60,62,63,65,66,68,69,71,72,74,75,77,78,80,81,83,84,86,87,89,90,92,93,95,96,98,99,101,102,104,107,110,111,113,114,116,117,119,123,125,128,129,131,134,135,137,138,140,141,143,144
File name: Cars 3_t00.mkv

Code: Select all

Title information
Name: Cars 3 (English)
Source file name: 00801.mpls
Duration: 1:42:25
Chapters count: 21
Size: 40.5 GB
Segment count: 68
Segment map: 13,33,34,40,41,43,44,46,105,49,50,52,53,55,56,58,59,61,62,64,65,67,68,70,71,73,74,76,77,79,80,82,83,85,86,88,89,91,92,94,95,97,98,100,101,103,106,109,110,112,113,115,116,118,121,124,127,128,130,133,134,136,137,139,140,142,143,145
File name: Cars 3_t01.mkv