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Unable to stream MKV to Samsung BD-D5500

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:55 pm
by nickorossa

I'm looking to stream MKV files from a QNAP Turbo NAS device (Twonky based) to a Samsung BD-D5500. The mkv files are created using makemkv.

When trying to play an MKV I get the error "Not Supported File Format".

What properties do MKV files have (i.e. framerate, resolution, codec etc) when created via makemkv as they don't seem to be changable.

The player is able to play avi and mp3 files from the QNAP device without issue so I know its not a network issue.

Any thoughts?



Re: Unable to stream MKV to Samsung BD-D5500

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:52 pm
by Romansh
nickorossa wrote:What properties do MKV files have (i.e. framerate, resolution, codec etc) when created via makemkv as they don't seem to be changable.
Whatever's on the Blu-ray (so it depends on the disc). MakeMKV doesn't re-encode anything, it just puts the video, audio and subtitle streams in an MKV container.

Re: Unable to stream MKV to Samsung BD-D5500

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:00 pm
by Twowit2woo
When trying to play an MKV I get the error "Not Supported File Format".
Use Mediainfo to show the properties of the file (

Re: Unable to stream MKV to Samsung BD-D5500

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:35 pm
by Tolken
I got a little bit curious about this and did some research.

Lemme guess. Those MKV files you had made....they originated from dvds and not BluRay.
If so, I got your answer:

Samsung 5500BD has very limited MPEG 2 support. And does not currently support MPEG2 MKVs.
MakeMKV never re-encodes and uses only the original video, as such all DVDs ran through MakeMKV split out MPEG2 MKVs.

Solution: Use something (handbrake for example) to reencode the video in your MKV to a supported type (H.264, DivX, Xvid, MPEG4)

Re: Unable to stream MKV to Samsung BD-D5500

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:51 pm
by nickorossa
Hi Tolken,

Yes the disks I've used so far are DVD and not Blu-Ray (since I don't have any yet).

I did however last night after I posted the thread, use PavTube (trial) which I think does re-encoding and explicitly used settings that I thought were compatible based on the table in the manual and that didn't work either. I'll give it another go though as I was rushing it a bit.

I'll look into Handbrake. Thanks for the info

I'll let you know how I get on.

Hi Twowit2woo

Thanks for the link on MediaInfo.


Re: Unable to stream MKV to Samsung BD-D5500

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:34 pm
by nickorossa

I've tried using Handbrake to re-encode with numerous settings, however I don't seem to be able to find a set that work.

Any ideas what settings to try?



Re: Unable to stream MKV to Samsung BD-D5500

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:11 pm
by Icanseestars
According to Samsung the D5000 should support H.264 in MKV so anything using normal or high profile should have worked however Samsung may have pulled a fast one only allowing those formats to work over USB and not DLNA, this is a fairly common tactic from the likes of Sony and Panasonic. Interestingly Samsung claim VC-1, XviD and H.264 in MKV support but no MPEG-2.

You could try using VOB2MPG instead, this is a tool like MakeMKV except it dumps the DVD to a .mpg video file.

One other thing you could try is using Serviio on your QNAP NAS which has better Samsung DLNA profiles than Twonkey, it might make the output from Handbrake play.

Re: Unable to stream MKV to Samsung BD-D5500

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:24 am
by nickorossa

Thanks for the info. I'm beginning to think the same thing.

From another thread I looked at using tsMixeR to convert the mkv to a m2ts and the files work fine, so I'll use that to process my files before uploading to my NAS.

Thanks to all for your help.
