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Looney Tunes All Stars - Volumes 1 & 2

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:35 am
by Automatic-Doubt
Firstly, thank you to the creators of makemkv for a wonderful application!

I recently decided to just leave all my DVDs remuxed so went to town redoing them.

I am getting some weird errors on one DVD... I must have been able to process it earlier with an older version of makemkv, but no longer.

Wouldn't open it so used the advanced DVD selection to specify track one (it's the only one I want). Said that the track was only 30 odd minutes long instead of the reported 1 hour and something. Tried changing all the options (cellwalk etc etc) still no dice.

Bought another copy of the same DVD thinking it was a media error, same problems. Navigation error now when trying to grab track one.
