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Dr. Strange

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:29 pm
by inline_phil
Ripping older discs has worked perfectly in the past but this one is a mystery. Here is a summary of my process.

I rip on my laptop, copy to my NAS [uncompressed], and stream from the NAS via an OPPO BDP-105 to my TV all of which is done through the CAT-7 hardwired network connections [no wireless here].

Ripping this disc works and I can see the video fine on my laptop while still in MakeMKS [sound is not available but that happens sometimes].

Copying the huge file over to the NAS also yields zero errors.

Streaming by the OPPO from the NAS is where the issue occurs. I get severe picture dropouts and jitter but the sound is still good. And yes, this is also a hardwired CAT-7 connection.

This is the first disc with which I have encountered this problem.


Re: Dr. Strange

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:12 pm
by Stryker412
Does Dr. Strange have subtitles?

Re: Dr. Strange

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:32 pm
by tester21
Does anyone have issues with playing the disc in their computer? I have a RB version and wanted to watch it on my computer but the the drive does not load the disc. It does fine with other BR discs. Thanks.

Re: Dr. Strange

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:35 pm
by inline_phil
Problem was a hardware failure in my network, not the fault of MakeMKV.

I replaced a failing gigabit hub with a new gigabit switch and the issue went away.