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An ISO that was created by another App

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 10:00 am
by Mat1926
MakeMKV supports all the ISOs that I made so far except one, it shows 2 identical titles. When I remux to mkv, the 1st title fails in the middle, however the 2nd one works w/o issues. I am just curious why it shows 2 titles...and BTW, an ISO or extracted folders show the same thing...

If ISOs that are prepared with different apps are not welcomed here just ignore my message...

Re: An ISO that was created by another App

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:48 am
by yorgo
It could be that the ISO file does have two titles or playlists inside and one rips to an .mkv file while the other does not. Please post the error report you're seeing; without that, hard to determine what the specific cause may be...but if I were to guess, one of the titles is corrupt (just a guess until an error report is shown).